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Why this Seminar?

Knowledge is Profit!

As our great nation ages, the emphasis for downtown revitalization and urban renewal programs will ever increase. Cost of site clearance will continue to play a major role in future development plans. No longer can most buildings, bridges, dams, and structures simply be abandoned following their useful life.

Ownership comes with much liability, often under estimated or undetected, creating costly legal and environmental issues. Liabilities are often best eliminated by demolishing structures. With today’s environmental, health and building regulations, such as asbestos and lead abatement, remodeling including the cost of mechanical, electrical and plumbing upgrades often out weighs the cost of demolition and building a new structure.

Efficient, safe, and compliant site clearance is an art. When properly understood and implemented it can become very cost friendly. When approached half hazard or passively, by unknowledgeable people, it can also prove to be a financial death sentence.

This course is designed to educate participants on the subject of site clearance by examining its various options while emphasizing implosion, including the demolition of structures inside operating plants.

As governing regulation becomes more stringent, it will further influence demolition options, cost, and liability. Only those persons with an educated overview of compliant demolition will maximize the risk-reward opportunities of the never ending challenges of site clearance.

Gain the knowledge, attend this seminar, learn how BigBlast can mean Big Savings to You.

BigBlast, LLC | PO Box 1909, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816 | 877-85-BLAST (877-852-5278) | 208-676-9900 | Fax: 208-676-9800 | info@bigblast.com

Design by Tim Martin at Top Step Design. Programming Copyright © 2004-2006 Daniel Kauffman at Rock Solid Solutions.